

    RemotRadar™ クラウド東芝監視システム

    東芝監視システム (TMS) は、東芝の無停電電源システム (UPS) やエネルギー貯蔵システム (ESS) を専門家が監視するクラウド型遠隔監視サービスです。
    Toshiba International Corporation
    Toshiba offers human expertise to resolve any UPS & ESS problem on top of the remote monitoring service in case of an event

    UPS (uninterruptible power system) with its ESS (energy storage system) is a backup power source in the event of power loss and provides a grace time to respond to a sudden loss of power. In anticipation of that grace time, a power loss response plan will be in place to minimize the loss of business opportunities.

    However, if that backup power supply doesn't work in the event of a loss of power, the loss of power response plan becomes useless. This causes equipment that needs the power to go down, resulting in business losses or data corruption. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the UPS & ESS in a healthy condition.

    As businesses expand, so does the UPS & ESS equipment used increases to continue business flow. Also, this comes with placing equipment located in a variety of locations to reach customers efficiently. Thus this complicates managing any monitoring system. Using Toshiba Monitoring System eliminates having to manage any monitoring system since it runs in the cloud. This allows customers to monitor UPS & ESS remotely and centralize all UPS & ESS in one system.

    Toshiba offers human expertise to resolve any UPS & ESS problem on top of the remote monitoring service in case of an event. This helps Building Operations Managers to focus on other more critical tasks.

    Overview of Toshiba Monitoring System

    Toshiba Monitoring System (TMS) is a cloud-based remote monitoring service that allows Toshiba's experts to monitor customers' uninterruptible power systems (UPS) and energy storage systems (ESS) twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. TMS adds another monitoring layer on top of customers' existing monitoring solution. TMS uses RemotRadar™ Cloud, an IoT platform, as its underlying technology, which allows machine-to-human interaction, i.e., UPS-to-TMS interaction.

    Combined with RemotEye™ 4 & RemotEye™ ESS, Toshiba's UPS & ESS IoT-Ready edge card provides a secure connection to RemotRadar™ Cloud via MQTT, a lightweight data transfer protocol. It also utilizes the latest one-way (ASSET-To-TMS) authentication and encryption for a secure connection and data encryption that is more secure than a VPN. This means that RemotRadar™ Cloud/TMS does not interrogate the UPS & ESS and does not go into your network.

    Toshiba Monitoring System is pleased to extend a limited-time offer to our first 100 US subscribers for our Uninterruptible Power Supply Monitoring Service. Experience the tranquility of TMS monitoring service with no cost. Start utilizing it now!

    Toshiba monitoring system

    TMS provides the means to quickly resolve the risk of loss of business opportunities while providing peace of mind

    You would install a UPS with its ESS system to mitigate the risk of losing business opportunities due to power loss. If UPSs & ESSs are equipped with RemotEye™ 4 & RemotEye™ ESS, then Toshiba Monitoring System allows you to monitor the status of the UPSs & ESSs remotely.

    In addition, if you use the PREMIUM plan (see below), you will be notified when your attention is required.

    RemotRadar Cloud configuration

    TMS provides UPS & ESS administrators and their business entities with the means to quickly resolve the risk of loss of business opportunities while providing peace of mind.

    1. Comprehensive Service Support
      • Toshiba provides service of UPS, battery cabinets and distribution products.
    2. 24/7/365 Incident Response
      • TMS service experts on call 24/7/365, not answering service.
    3. Minimize Total Cost of Ownership
      • Proactive maintenance reduces equipment downtime and extend equipment lifetime.
    4. Technical Expertise
      • Toshiba has over 400 trained technicians worldwide to support customers.
    5. Uptime Assurance
      • TMS service experts constantly monitor customers critical loads.
    6. Periodic Status Reports
      • Customers have access to status reports at anytime and anywhere.

    For more information, visit the official website of the Toshiba Monitoring System.

    Service Menu

    The unit price depends on the service plan selected. We are offering three types of plans: ESSENTIAL, PLUS, and PREMIUM.

    service menu
    Use Cases
    Helping building operations managers

    All industries that operate in a building to help facilitate their business flow rely on power equipment to keep business running. This is usually handled by building operations managers (BOMs) to keep that equipment running in any case of power events. RemotRadar™ Cloud aid BOMs in keeping an eye on their equipment to avoid downtime, leading to better business operations.

    Adding monitoring layer to existing monitoring systems

    Many businesses rely on their monitoring system to keep track of all their equipment. This helps to reduce downtime and increase business continuity. Combined with RemotRadar™ Cloud, it adds another monitoring layer where Toshiba experts will monitor power assets to maximize uptime.

    Helping businesses as they expand

    As businesses expand, also power requirements expand. This means hardware upgrades and service maintenance to keep the business running. RemotRadar™ Cloud allows Toshiba experts to analyze monitored equipment and provide recommendations for service maintenance and upgrades as needed.

    Helping distributed IT personnel

    Many companies rely on distributed network and server equipment to deliver services to their users. Most are connected to a UPS to help mitigate any power issues, such as utility failure, surges, or brownouts. RemotRadar™ Cloud helps IT personnel keep track of all distributed UPS remotely in a centralized view and maximize business uptime.

    Existing Customers

    The followings are examples of existing customer's industry areas:

    existing customers
    Try the Demo!

    You can experience the production service running in the production environment by the use of a demo account. Hit the button Try Demo below.

    Screen and Report Images

    Dashboard with map view of all the connected devices

    Screen sample

    Device List View

    Screen sample

    Service Tickets View

    Screen sample

    Email Notification

    Screen sample


    Sample of report

    Message Notification

    Screen sample


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