Residential VPP PlatformVPP-related forecast and control service
- Provider
- Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
Currently, electricity retailers charge storage batteries at households with solar power systems (low-voltage consumers) during the day, for consumption during peak evening demand, when prices are high in the power trading market. These retailers need to put in place controls that improve their profitability.
Residential VPP Platform delivers advanced group control that bundles together large numbers of storage batteries distributed across multiple households. Support for HEMS systems from multiple vendors allows us to provide electricity retailers with a wide range of options that we continue to enhance. In addition to energy resource control as a basic service, optional services include environmental value trading and capacity-market linked support.

Meeting key needs with residential energy resources
- Economic DR (arbitrage, JEPX market price linked, capacity contribution reduction)
- Resource Aggregation (linked to capacity market and supply & demand adjustment market)
- Environmental value trading

- The resource information acquisition function provides real-time power data that generally takes time to acquire, and that can be used for power supply and demand management and monitoring PV power generation.
- The individual resource and group resource control function help customers to balance supply and demand management and arbitrage trading on the electricity market.
- OpenADR communication realizes cooperation with the AC (aggregation coordinator) and a simple command system, enabling entry into capacity market and balancing market.
- Environmental value trading API enables customers to collaborate with environmental value trading companies to trade renewable energy managed by the system.
- Our advanced technologies include high-precision demand forecasting (winner of Tokyo Electric Power Demand Forecasting Contest) and PV power generation forecasting (winner of Tokyo Electric Power Solar Power Demand Forecasting Technology Contest)
- We have past experience of the HEMS business, and technologies and operational know-how required for real-time understanding and control of the load side using the home gateway (HGW).
- We have successfully commercialized a system for bidding and control on Power Source I‘, a new Japanese capacity market now under development.
(Example of Economic DR)
- Automatic control: Charge and discharge control of a consumer group's storage batteries can be done automatically, based on a predetermined JEPX price threshold.
- Manual control: Charge and discharge control of a consumer group's storage batteries can be done manually at any time by referring to the reference value (the baseline that predicts the consumer group's consumption) displayed on screen.

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Thoughts behind the name SPINEX
The spine is our body’s central support structure, our core, home to the spinal cord that radiates nerves throughout or bodies. In the same way as the nervous system allows us to experience the world, edge computing delivers fast decisions in data processing by distributing sensing and control to every point where it is needed.
Our spine makes us strong and agile. We can do the same for your business, and contribute to society, by providing an essential industrial IoT framework that supports your people and operations with fast, appropriate on-site processing.
The X of SPINEX represents eXperience and eXpansion, and the crossover with other value creators and services. This is how we will create the future with TOSHIBA SPINEX Services.
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