

    IoT Equipment Cloud Service for Factories and Industrial Plants

    ManufacturingVisualization, analytics, AI
    Integrating facility-wide data on equipment operation and maintenance supports stable, optimized operations in line with production plans.
    Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation
    Asset IoT Cloud Service for Factories supports optimization of operations and maintenance work

    Factories face issues with aging equipment and labor shortages in equipment operation and maintenance due to an aging population. 

    This service optimizes operations and maintenance work by integrating data from monitoring utilization and maintenance across various equipment.

    Improve efficiency in energy consumption and maintenance work by monitoring and utilizing operation and maintenance data from various types of equipment

    This service is based on an asset integration data platform derived from Toshiba Group's many years of experience and knowledge in remote monitoring and maintenance. It realizes integrated monitoring and utilization of operation data from sets of equipment.

    Energy efficiency is boosted by balanced management of power usage plans and power supply capacity. The day-to-day work efficiency of operators is improved, and early maintenance can be performed by detecting problems before they occur. 

    Screen samples

    The visualization screen is intuitive and easy to use, designed for high operability with UXD (User eXperience Design) methodology.

    Meister operatex screen

    A display of estimated power supply capacity and long-term trends, with a prediction of  power usage based on past actual consumption.

    Meister operatex screen2

    A process flow diagram clearly visualizes power system operation and performance information.

    The brand name for industrial IoT services compliant with the Toshiba IoT Reference Architecture.

    TOSHIBA SPINEX contributes to sustainable value creation. Visit  Our strategy.

    Thoughts behind the name SPINEX

    SPINE + X

    The spine is our body’s central support structure, our core, home to the spinal cord that radiates nerves throughout or bodies. In the same way as the nervous system allows us to experience the world, edge computing delivers fast decisions in data processing by distributing sensing and control to every point where it is needed.

    Our spine makes us strong and agile. We can do the same for your business, and contribute to society, by providing an essential industrial IoT framework that supports your people and operations with fast, appropriate on-site processing.

    The X of SPINEX represents eXperience and  eXpansion, and the crossover with other value creators and services. This is how we will create the future with TOSHIBA SPINEX Services.

    Two pillars of the Toshiba IoT Reference Architecture compliance standard

    APIThe service is an open interface, not closed on itself, an architecture that enables third parties to safely create value.
    SecurityThe service implements system security that meets global standards. We can provide customers with all the information they need to assess those standards, and determine whether or not the service meets their business’ security requirements.